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Doggie DayCamp Release Form
DayCamp Release Form Valid for One Year
Pet Name
Requested Arrival Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Requested Departure Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Approximate Check-In Time
Please be aware that our check-in times are between 7:30am - 6:15pm. Please see our rate sheet for early check-in or late check-out charges.
Approximate Check-Out Time
Please be aware that our check-in times are between 7:30am - 6:15pm. Please see our rate sheet for early check-in or late check-out charges.
There is an early check in charge if a time before 2pm is chosen and a late check out charge if a time later than 12pm is chosen. Please check our resort rates for additional charges that will occur for this time.
Choose one of the following:
Show me the procedures/policies
I have already read the procedures/policies
Policies and Procedures
We want to ensure that your pet’s boarding experience is as pleasant as possible for you and your pet. We have designed our facilities and trained our pet care staff in order to provide the quality of care that they deserve and you expect. To facilitate these efforts we have adopted the following procedures and policies. By signing our Canine Check-In Form, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand our procedures and policies.
Boarding Release Form/Policies and Procedures
VACCINATIONS I understand that my pet(s) must be current on an annual physical exam, along with an annual DHPP and Rabies. In addition, CCVRS follows the AAHA recommendations for all dogs in group housing environments, by requiring that all dogs be vaccinated for kennel cough and have an intestinal parasite examination performed every 6 months. If your dog has not been vaccinated for kennel cough in over a year, a waiting period of 5 days is required once the vaccine is given, before staying in the resort. Please keep in mind that we require vaccine verification prior to booking your reservation. In the event of an emergency, and prior vaccine verification is not given due to time constraints, CCVRS has permission to contact my Veterinarian to find out about vaccine status. If my Veterinarian is unable to be contacted, or if vaccines are not up to date, a physical exam and necessary vaccinations will be given by CCVRS. I understand that this is for the safety of my pet(s) and other boarders. I understand that I will be financially responsible for the cost of the physical exam and vaccines. If you need an estimate of charges, one can be provided upon request.
SICKNESS/INCIDENTS WHILE BOARDING I understand that there are risks involved, including scrapes, cuts, and bite wounds, which are commonplace due to the nature of dog play. Our play yard turf and concrete can cause irritation to the paw pads if your pet is not subject to these materials at home. More serious injuries cannot be predicted, but I am aware harm or loss could come to my pet due to the nature of the open play setting. I understand if my pet causes harm to another pet, I may be responsible for any medical bills that occur. Creature Comforts has the right to determine your amount of responsibility, as each incident is different. If I am uncomfortable with my pet being exposed to the above dangers, I understand I have the right to request individual play. If an emergency should arise, CCVRS will do their best to contact me, but in the event they cannot, I authorize CCVRS to approve any medical treatment recommended by a Veterinarian. I agree to reimburse CCVRS for all expenses incurred due to such an event. I understand that in a non-emergency situation, my pet will not be seen by a veterinarian, unless I have been contacted at my emergency number for prior approval. In the event that a resort staff member notices a problem, an incident report will be filed and brought to the attention of the Veterinarian. I understand that our boarding incident exam fee is $37, and any further treatment and/or diagnostics will be my financial responsibility. If you need an estimate of charges, one can be provided upon request.
In the best interest of my pet, it is not possible to leave some problems untreated until I return. The Veterinary staff will contact me to discuss my pet’s treatment. In the event the Veterinary staff is unable to reach me, my pet will receive conservative treatment, or that which is in the best immediate interest of my pet until I am able to be reached to authorize further care. Examples of problems that cannot be left untreated and require medical attention are, but not limited to: urinary abnormalities, diarrhea, vomiting, not eating, not defecating, excessive anxiety, wounds incurred at daycamp, wounds incurred from suite destruction, and coughing.
CONTAGIOUS DISEASE I certify that my pet is not coughing, gagging, sneezing, vomiting, having diarrhea, and is free of nasal discharge associated with infection. I also know my pet has not been around any other pet that was showing these symptoms in the last 2 weeks. I understand that CCVRS takes the utmost care in cleaning and disinfecting the facility. Therefore, the hospital reserves the right to refuse patients who are coughing or showing signs of upper respiratory infection from being boarded, sometimes with no notice. I understand that CCVRS is not to be held responsible if my pet(s) contract contagious diseases during their stay; including but not limited to: Kennel cough, intestinal parasites, and/or external parasites (fleas and ticks).
BATHING/FLEA CONTROL I understand that if my pet stays 5 or more nights at the resort, they will be eligible for a complimentary bath. Double-coated or long haired breeds are not eligible. If my pet is scheduled to have a bath and my pick-up time or date changes, a 24 hour notice must be given, or CCVRS cannot guarantee the bathing/grooming service requested can be performed. I understand that my pet must be on flea prevention on a monthly basis. We will keep on record what product you are currently using and when the last dose has been given. All pets are checked for fleas and ticks upon arrival. If my pet has fleas, a Capstar will be given at my expense. If my pet has ticks, a Frontline Tritak will be applied at my expense.
PERSONAL ITEMS I understand that any personal items that are brought in with my pet need to be brought with the understanding that they could be damaged while at CCVRS, and we are not to be held responsible. Any large items that may become wet or soiled during my pets’ stay may not fit into our washing machine. These items will be bagged and returned to me unwashed. My pets’ toys will not be allowed out in the daycamp area.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY I hereby consent and authorize CCVRS to receive and board my pet(s). I understand the resort will use all reasonable precautions for the safekeeping of the described pet(s), but the resort will not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever on account of medical situations that may arise, as it is thoroughly understood that I assume all risks. I also understand that resort personnel are not present continuously after normal business hours.
I hereby certify that I have read and fully understand this authorization for boarding my pet at Creature Comforts Veterinary Resort and Suites. I assume financial responsibility for all charges incurred to the above pet(s) and agree to pay all such charges at the completion of this stay.
I have read and accepted policies and procedures
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